Handstand Conditioning
Everything you need to make your handstand awesome, line, press, core and more Week 1 #276 “Anterior/posterior chain for inversions” #168 “Finding peace in inversions” #220 “Inverted moonwalks” Week 2 #298 “Inversions & butterflies” #250 “Crow’s gathering” #300 “Tolasana & compressive work” Week 3 #295 “Nauli: the secret to a strong & pliable core” #279 “Handstands & chairs” #314 “Zombie slides” Week 4 #256 “Lolasana & how to suspend & float” #235 “Abs & puppy pikes” #321 “Squats & tucks in inversions”

Only Backbends
Find new heights in your backbend practice with this specialized track. Shoulders, upper back, hip flexors and breath. Week 1 #227 “The only Wheel practice you’ll need” #280 “BBends & steady hollow backs” #316 “Bekhasana & Kuntasana study” Week 2 #236 “BBends & Side bends for a stronger QL” #214 “A deeper approach to chair BBends” #160 “Shoulder openers towards Padangustha Dhanurasana” Week 3 #307 “Lumbar strength for Scorpions” #182 “Splits to enhance your Bbends” #170 “Leg strength in BBends: from Camel to Wheel” Week 4 #211 “Gandha Bherunda: tackling down the formidable bend” #304 “Dhanurasana rocks” #277 “Learning to breathe in Chin Scorpion”

Splits Please
Let’s work those hamstrings, abductors, calf muscles, hips placement and make our splits awesome. Week 1 #85 “Floating Splits” #165 “Splits & cartwheels” #116 “Splits & hip mobility” Week 2 #237 “8 ways into Splits” #109 “BBends: Lunges & Splits” #155 “Splits in arm balances & inversions” Week 3 #229 “Middle Splits & pancakes” #217 “Active Splits in Handstands” #267 “Blocks for Splits” Week 4 #175 “Inversions, middle Splits & seaweed moves” #200 “Splits & snow angels inversions” #163 “Chin Scorpion, Splits & middle Splits”

Hip Work
An absolutely essential part of any yogi’s practice, let’s conquer leg behind the head, foot under the armpit and lotus. Week 1 #140 “From Baddha Konasana to Yogidandasana & beyond” #193 “Astavakrasana games” #153 “Strength & mobility in Eka Pada Sirsasana” Week 2 #137 “Tittibhasana transitions” #190 “Yogidandasana & lumbar strength” #225 “Arm balances + half Lotuses for stronger upper body & hips” Week 3 #222 “From Galavasana to Eka Pada Sirsasana” #175 “Inversions, middle Splits & seaweed moves” #249 “Parsva Yogidandasana milestones” Week 4 #234 “Best practices for knee strengthening & mobility” #255 “Dwi Pada Sirsasana” #281 “Inverted Lotus”

Essential Twisting
Improving your twists will improve every other pose you ever do, from backbends to inversions to arm balances or hip openers. Well worth the investment. Week 1 #213 “Twists, Garudasanas & funky arm balances” #244 “Side bends for TFL isolation” #270 “Core bracing for binds & twists” Week 2 #146 “Thoracic side bends, Splits & strength” #123 “Twists, Splits & zombies” #226 “Side bends, twists & cartwheels” Week 3 #180 “Pasasana: squats, twists & binds” #297 “Twists & rolls” #292 “Trees, tucks & side bends” Week 4 #320 “Marichy C & twists to rock your world” #278 “Tucks & side bends” #265 “Side flexion, inversions & Side Shoulderstand”

Pincha Pincha
If you are having trouble with your inversions, this track is for you. Let’s conquer pinchamayurasana and take control of your inversion game. Week 1 #95 “Lightness & alignment in Handstand & Pincha” #178 “Pincha practice with blocks” #150 “Pincha & Funky Pincha party” Week 2 #192 “Breaking down zombies” #241 “Dolphins & Pinchas” an hour to strengthen & float” #189 “6 Funky Pinchas for balance & strength” Week 3 #325 “Pinchas & internal hip rotators” #315 “5 entries into Pincha” #312 “Shoulder flexion in inversions” Week 4 #289 “Shoulder stability in Funky Pincha” #318 “7 drills for Half Pikes in Pincha & Handstand” #268 “Funky Mayurasana exploration”

Carmen's Favorites
This track contains a hand picked selection of Carmen's favorite classes for you to enjoy the full range of Cyoga. Classes are already sorted in the ideal order of practice. Week 1 #220 “Inverted moonwalks” #248 “Wild thing exploration” #305 “Chakorasana & compression” Week 2 #276 “Anterior/posterior chain for inversions” #283 “Camels & quads” #303 “Obliques for lateral flexions” Week 3 #224 “BBends: flip grip & progression towards Pad. Dhanurasana” #287 “Twists for longer lats” #309 “Crow taps” Week 4 #296 “Dancer fever” #228 “Yogidanda & active external rotators” #226 “Side bends, twists & cartwheels” Week 5 #269 “Viparita jumps” #223 “Vasistha, Visvamitra & lateral flexions” #295 “Nauli: the secret to a strong & pliable core” Week 6 #310 “Eka Pada Kapotasana variants” #267 “Blocks for Splits” #315 “5 entries into Pincha” Week 7 #307 “Lumbar strength for scorpions” #281 “Inverted Lotus” #297 "Twists & Rolls"