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May 3rd, Thu to May 5th, Sun


Body+Shine Wellness

28 N. Main Street

Elgin, TX, 78621

Single class: $60 ($70 after March 1st)
1-day (Sat or Sun): $140 ($160 after March 1st)
Whole Weeknd (Fri-Sun): $320 ($340 after March 1st)

Twists, Side Bends & Inversions

Friday, May 3rd, 6:00PM-8:00PM

We start the weekend with one of the most unique and original workshops. When we improve this kind of flexibility and strengthen our spine, all our practice takes a leap forward, including Handstands. Anatomically, we’ll pay special attention to the spine, neck, shoulder internal rotation and adductors. We’ll find new stability points and increase the role of the upper body with fun arm balances and upside down time.

For Handstand Lovers

Saturday, May 4th, 12:00PM-2:00PM

One of the most popular workshops, it includes a thorough warm up for shoulders, elbows and wrists, as well as deep abdominal work, gluts & leg activation. For alignment drills, with and without weight, we will alternate between wall and floor to not overload upper body but still reprogram nervous system. We will also work on resistance training, several kinds of jumps and entries into Handstands, eliminate bad habits and Q&A at the end. Not to be missed! Though for all levels, this workshop is ideal for those that can already jump into Handstands against a wall.

Hip openers: from Pigeon to Eka Pada Sirsasana

Saturday, May 4th, 2:30PM-4:30PM

This workshop will cover both external and internal hip rotation (ER/IR) while protecting knees, ankles and sacroiliac joints. Leg strengthening poses, squats, arm balances and a few inversions are a few of the postures we’ll play with. We’ll progressively reach deeper hip openers like “leg behind the head” (Eka Pada Sirsasana), cover other alternatives, best practices, specific mobility drills and tips to enjoy this family of poses that’s often neglected. Energetically, you’ll leave more connected to the amazing power of your hips.

Meditations with Moises: The new Earth

Saturday, May 4th, 5:00PM-7:00PM

Meditations for a new mindset. How to let new energies and experiences come into your life (part I). 

Meditations with Moises: The New YOU

Sunday, May 5th, 5:00PM-7:00PM

Meditations for a new mindset. How to let new energies and experiences come into your life (part II).

Breathwork Study And Practicum

Sunday, May 5th, 2:30PM-4:30PM

This workshop will cover from the more classical pranayamas, to newer techniques of hyper/hipo ventilation (Wim Hof, Buteyko etc). We’ll talk about the nervous system and how the vagus nerve is the conductor of this orchestra. We’ll start with some anatomy and theory of the respiratory system, then dive into different breathing techniques, so that we can experiment them firsthand and feel how they transform us on different layers. This workshop is for all levels but not recommendable for pregnant women.

Backbends: Making Kapotasana Accesible For Everyone

Sunday, May 5th, 12:00PM-2:00PM

This workshop will break down one of the most intimidating backbends in smaller, more manageable pieces. If backbends are not your jam, this class is for you!  Especial attention will be paid to increasing shoulder flexion, while stabilizing this joint. We’ll also cover in depth a correct spinal segmentation, focusing on curving & isolating t-spine, as well as understanding the important role of the deeper abs (TVA), obliques and pelvic floor. Expect a careful warm up, lots of isolated drills to incorporate into your routine, plenty of options to play with, and a few fun inversions. Lots of info packed into this one!



May 6th, Mon to May 11th, Sat


This 50hr YTT MODULE is a most unique experience because of its focus and practicality. Besides a DAILY 90-MIN PRACTICE with Carmen, the rest of the hours will be solely dedicated to HANDS-ON ADJUSTMENTS as well as HOW TO TEACH HANDSTANDS from beginners to advanced hand balancers.

Highlights of what we’ll be covering are:
  1. DAILY YOGA CLASSES with a different theme and peak poses;
  2. Dozens of assists and ANATOMICAL EXPLANATIONS for backbends, hip openers, spinal rotations, lateral flexions, arm balances and all inversions;
  3. Precise exercises to INCREASE ROM along thoracic spine & promote correct segmentation;
  4. Specific upper body work to increase SHOULDER CIRCUMDUCTION (for all kind of asanas) and power (for Handstands and arm balances);
  5. Correct WRISTS & ELBOWS’ manipulation for Handstands;
  6. Tapping into the ABS POWER, especially TVA, obliques & psoas;
  7. Daily sessions dedicated extensively to HANDSTANDS THEORY, alignment, anatomy, as well as dozens of DRILLS, from the most fundamental ones to others more specific, depending on the student’s level and personal difficulties.

Doing handstands is not the same as being able to teach handstands. Doing deep backbends is not the same as being able to break them down and safely assist students into them, and that’s why this training IS NOT TO BE MISSED!

This is a once-a-year-opportunity (if that!) and is geared towards teachers and practitioners that want to DEEPEN THEIR KNOWLEDGE about anatomy, know how to give great adjustments and have a clear path on how to advance in the endless Handstand ocean of drills and tips.
For those looking to complete a 200 OR 300 HR YTT with me, this is the first module for it.
Hours can also be used towards CE credits for teachers.
Body+Shine Wellness
28 N. Main Street
Elgin, TX, 78621

$950 ($1100 after March 1st)

Yoga classes are open to students not in the TT

Single class: $60 ($70 after March 1st)

Monday, May 6th

3pm-3:45pm: BREAK
3:45pm-6:15pm: ADJUSTMENTS
6:15pm-6:30pm: BREAK
6:30pm-8pm: CLASS (Theme: BBends: Eka Pada Rajakapotasanas & hollowbacks)

Tuesday, May 7th

12:45pm-1:30pm: BREAK
1:30pm-3:30pm: ADJUSTMENTS
3:30pm-3:45pm: BREAK
3:45pm-5:15pm: CLASS (Theme: Hip balancing towards Yogidandasana)

Wednesday, May 8th

3pm-3:45pm: BREAK
3:45pm-6:15pm: ADJUSTMENTS
6:15pm-6:30pm: BREAK
6:30pm-8pm: CLASS (Theme: Splits, twists, arm balances & inversions)

Thursday, May 9th:

12:45pm-1:30pm: BREAK
1:30pm-3:30pm: ADJUSTMENTS
3:30pm-3:345pm: BREAK
3:45pm-5:15pm: CLASS (Theme: BBends: Wheels & Scorpions)

Friday, May 10th

3pm-3:45pm: BREAK
3:45pm-6:15pm: ADJUSTMENTS
6:15pm-6:30pm: BREAK
6:30pm-8pm: CLASS (Theme: Squats & hip rotations towards Eka Pada Sirsasana)

Saturday, May 11th

12:30pm-2pm: CLASS (Theme: Lateral flexion for arm balances & inversions)
2pm-2:15pm: BREAK
3:45pm-4:15pm: BREAK
4:15pm-6pm: ADJUSTMENTS
6pm-6:30pm: FINAL Q&A’s, diploma ceremony & goodbyes 



de Junio 6 al 9


Precio Regular

Early Bird

Taller Completo (4 dias)














Precios Earlt Bird hasta el 6 de Mayo

Prana Yoga Panama

Clases en Zazz Dance Studio

Av. Italia, frente a Bal Harbour

Para preguntas: 

Insta: pranayogapanama

Jueves, 6 de Junio

Clase de Yoga: Torsiones, Splits, balances & invertidas

Arrancamos el fin de semana concentrándonos en rotaciones de columna y Splits, así como asanas, balances de brazos e invertidas, donde combinaremos ambos elementos. Este primer taller ayudará a soltar la espalda, flexores e isquios, facilitando el trabajo que haremos el resto de los días. Posturas únicas que no son frecuentemente practicadas serán parte del repertorio. No debes perdértelo! Para todos los niveles.

Taller de asanas, parte I:  Arcos sin dolor y rotaciones de caderas, 10:00AM-12:00PM
En este taller cubriremos en detalle los principios anatómicos que requiere arquear la espalda sin dolor, entendiendo qué es lo que estamos haciendo y qué queremos conseguir. Introduciremos drills específicos para la columna torácica, cervicales, movimiento escapular, TVA y flexores. Lo mismo haremos con la pelvis, rotación del fémur y protección de rodillas y tobillos, maximizando rango de movimiento en la parte baja del cuerpo. Recomendado no sólo para maestros sino para aquellos que tengan problemas con estos grupos de asanas. Ideal tomarlo con “técnica de asanas, parte II”


Meditación: Encontrando el centro.


En esta sesión exploraremos técnicas para encontrar un estado mental mas calmado y constructivo. 

Viernes, 7 de Junio

Clase de Yoga: Handstands: calentamiento, entradas, salidas, saltos, drills, abs, alineación y más, 7:30AM-9:30AM

Este taller es uno de los más populares ya que incluye un calentamiento adecuado de hombros, codos, muñecas, así como mucho trabajo abdominal, activación de glúteos y piernas, ejercicios de alineamiento con y sin peso (pared y suelo), entrenamiento de resistencia, distintos tipos de saltos, conexión para presses, análisis, malos hábitos y Q&A’s. No te lo debes perder!!! Aunque es para todos los niveles, este taller es ideal para aquellos que puedan saltar a Handstand contra la pared.

Taller de asanas, parte II:  Balances en los brazos e invertidas sin esfuerzo, 10:00AM-12:00PM
En este taller cubriremos en detalle los principios anatómicos requeridos para hacer balances en los brazos e invertidas, no solo sin molestias en los hombros, muñecas y codos, sino de la forma más eficiente posible. Trabajaremos drills muy específicos para esas articulaciones, ya que son algunas de las más delicadas (y complejas) del cuerpo. Recomendado no sólo para maestros sino para aquellos que tengan problemas con estos asanas. Ideal tomarlo con “técnica de asanas, parte I”.


Meditación: La espiral de chakras.


En esta sesión exploraremos el sistema de chakras de la filosofía de la India y aprenderemos a conectar con las energías que representan para encontrar paz mental.

Sábado, 8 de Junio

Clase de Yoga: Rotaciones externas e internas de caderas

En este taller trabajaremos los elementos necesarios para movilizar las caderas de una forma orgánica, activa y segura, protegiendo rodillas y tobillos e involucrando algunos de los músculos más potentes del cuerpo (gluts, quads, isquios…). Mejoraremos rotación externa e interna mientras exploramos posturas como Yogidandasana, Eka Pada Sirsasana, squats, balances en los brazos e invertidas. 2 horas de trabajo de la parte baja del cuerpo que pasarán volando! Para todos los niveles.

Clase de Yoga: Handstands: Cómo hacer Handstands más largos y con menos esfuerzo. 12:30PM-2:20PM
En este segundo taller de handstands continuaremos con el trabajo del primero y ampliaremos conceptos para poder mantener el balance en las manos más tiempo, de la manera más óptima posible. Prestaremos especial atención al movimiento escapular, retroversión pélvica, cómo respirar sin caernos, progresión hacia los “presses”, trabajo abdominal y más! Este taller se puede tomar solo pero es recomendable hacerlo junto con el primero de Handstands porque los ejercicios e información se complementan.

Movimiento Terapéutico

Los talleres de movimiento terapéutico están diseñados para redefinir cómo el cerebro se comunica con el sistema nervioso. Aunque los ejercicios son suaves, sutiles, lentos y sin dolor, los efectos son profundos.
En este taller relajaremos toda la columna vertebral, encontraremos espacio en los músculos adyacentes y, como resultado, mejoraremos nuestra postura.


Domingo, 9 de Junio

Clase de Yoga: Cambiando nuestra percepción de los arcos


En este taller cubriremos la correcta segmentación de la columna, cómo curvar la parte torácica y entender el importante papel de tus abs, oblicuos, TVA y suelo pélvico. También nos enfocaremos en cómo proteger los hombros mientras aumentamos nuestro rango de movimiento (ROM), al igual que cómo fortalecer y abrir los flexores. Lo pondremos todo junto en posturas pico como escorpiones o variaciones de Eka Pada Rajakapotasana.

Breathwork: Encontrando Paz con la Respiración


Durante este taller, trabajaremos con diferentes tipos de respiración para experimentar su efecto en nuestro estado de ánimo. Buscaremos la respiración que nos permita encontrar un estado mental mas calmado, estable e idealmente duradero. Trabajaremos con métodos de respiración tradicionales y otros mas modernos para encontrar la técnica con la que conectamos más.​

Movimiento Terapéutico


Los talleres de movimiento terapéutico están diseñados para redefinir cómo el cerebro se comunica con el sistema nervioso. Aunque los ejercicios son suaves, sutiles, lentos y sin dolor, los efectos son profundos.

Durante este taller exploraremos la posición de la cabeza y los hombros. El cuello no es independiente del resto del cuerpo sino que conecta con cada area ya sea directamente o a través de cadenas de movimiento. Relajar el cuello tiene efectos en el cuerpo entero.



de Junio 20 al 23


MULA Yoga Studio
Colima 220 local 406, Roma Norte

Cuauhtémoc 06700, CDMX



Taller Completo


Precio Regular



Early Bird






Jueves, 20 de Junio

Intensivo de Ajustes, Dia 1

Ajustes para arcos y torsiones, 13:30-15:30

En es​te taller aprenderemos como invitar a la espalda a curvarse de la zona torácica mientras protegemos el area lumbar. Los ajustes de arcos tienen un componente de re-educación del movimiento de la espalda que necesitamos aprender a transmitir a través del tacto. Aprenderemos los ajustes mas básicos para crear unos cimientos claros para después explorar ajustes para arcos mas complejos, como Kapotasana, Escorpión o Nataraja.

Ajustes para invertidas y fuerza, 16:00-18:00

Los ajustes de invertidas requieren por parte del ajustador que el contacto con el alumno sea sutil para poder notar donde está el punto de equilibrio y al mismo tiempo transmitan una sensación de seguridad para que el alumno tenga confianza y no entre en pánico. Durante esta sesión exploraremos este equilibrio entre sutileza y firmeza en el ajuste aplicado a invertidas y fuerza.

Clase de Yoga: Torsiones y Splits, 18:30-20:30

Arrancamos el fin de semana concentrándonos en rotaciones de columna y Splits, así como asanas, balances de brazos e invertidas, donde combinaremos ambos elementos. Esta primera clase ayudará a soltar la espalda, flexores e isquios, facilitando el trabajo que haremos el resto de los días. Posturas únicas que no son frecuentemente practicadas serán parte del repertorio. No debes perdértelo! Para todos los niveles.

Viernes, 21 de Junio

Intensivo de Ajustes, Dia 2

Ajustes de caderas, 13:30-15:30

Duran​te esta sesión, aprenderemos a trabajar caderas y piernas, cubriendo una serie de posiciones de pie. Aprenderemos a usar el peso de nuestro cuerpo para dar ajustes mas sólidos y con menos esfuerzo. Aprenderemos a ajustar las posiciones pico de cadera por excelencia: Yogidandasana y Eka Pada Sirsasana.

Ajustes de transiciones y posiciones de unwind, 16:00-18:00

En este último taller cubriremos las posiciones más difíciles de ajustar, esas en las que el alumno se está moviendo de un asana a otro, y el ajustador tiene que acompañar al alumno durante la transición. Finalmente cubriremos posiciones de unwind y savasana. El maestro que sepa ajustar savasana bien siempre tendrá la clase llena.

Clase de Yoga: Invertidas a Full, 18:30-20:30

Este taller es uno de los más populares ya que incluye un calentamiento adecuado de hombros, codos, muñecas, así como mucho trabajo abdominal, activación de glúteos y piernas, ejercicios de alineamiento con y sin peso (pared y suelo), entrenamiento de resistencia, distintos tipos de saltos, conexión para presses, análisis, malos hábitos y Q&A’s. No te lo debes perder!!! Aunque es para todos los niveles, este taller es ideal para aquellos que puedan saltar a Handstand y Pincha contra la pared.

Sábado, 22 de Junio

Clase de Yoga: Arcos para todos, 13:30-15:30

En este taller cubriremos la correcta segmentación de la columna, cómo curvar la parte torácica y entender el importante papel de tus abs, oblicuos, TVA y suelo pélvico. También nos enfocaremos en cómo proteger los hombros mientras aumentamos nuestro rango de movimiento (ROM), al igual que cómo fortalecer y abrir los flexores. Lo pondremos todo junto en posturas pico como escorpiones o variaciones de Eka Pada Rajakapotasana.

Clínica de asanas: Arcos sin dolor y rotaciones de caderas sin restricciones, 16:00-18:00

Este taller es 50% teoría, 50% práctica. Cubriremos en detalle los principios anatómicos que requiere arquear la espalda sin dolor, entendiendo qué es lo que estamos haciendo y qué queremos conseguir. Introduciremos drills específicos para la columna torácica, cervicales, movimiento escapular, TVA y flexores. Lo mismo haremos con la pelvis, rotación del fémur y protección de rodillas y tobillos, maximizando rango de movimiento en la parte baja del cuerpo. Recomendado no solo para maestros sino para aquellos que tengan problemas con estos grupos de asanas. Para una visión completa, ideal tomarlo junto con la otra clínica de asanas.

Filosofía: Filosofía para todos los días, 18:30-20:30

En este taller vamos a usar el sistema de chakras para entender la estructura psicológica de nuestro estado mental y vamos a explorar caminos para mejorar nuestra manera de ver la vida, quitarnos hábitos que nos perjudican e incluso hablaremos de la iluminación, por si a alguien en la clase le apetece probar.

Domingo, 23 de Junio

Clase de Yoga: Caderas y equilibrios, 13:30-15:30

En este taller trabajaremos los elementos necesarios para movilizar las caderas de una forma orgánica, activa y segura, protegiendo rodillas y tobillos e involucrando algunos de los músculos más potentes del cuerpo (gluts, quads, isquios…). Mejoraremos rotación externa e interna mientras exploramos posturas como Yogidandasana, Eka Pada Sirsasana, squats, balances en los brazos e invertidas. 2 horas de trabajo de la parte baja del cuerpo que pasarán volando! Para todos los niveles.

Clínica de asanas: Balances en los brazos e invertidas sin esfuerzo, 16:00-18:00

Este taller es 50% teoría, 50% práctica. Cubriremos en detalle los principios anatómicos requeridos para hacer invertidas y balances en los brazos, no sólo sin molestias en los hombros, muñecas y codos, sino de la forma más eficiente posible. Trabajaremos drills muy específicos para esas articulaciones, ya que son algunas de las más delicadas (y complejas) del cuerpo. Recomendado no sólo para maestros sino para aquellos que tengan problemas con estos asanas. Para una visión completa, ideal tomarlo junto con la otra clínica de asanas.


Meditación: Samadhi en 2 minutos, 18:30-20:30

En esta sesión de meditación vamos a explorar todas las expectativas que ponemos en la vida, como nos perjudican y como no nos dejan ver lo que tenemos delante. En la segunda parte exploraremos como sería la vida si viviésemos sin todos estos juicios, usando la meditación para sentir en primera persona como se siente una mente libre, sin anclas al pasado.


July 12th-14th



The ASANA IMMERSION is designed to help you advance your practice through carefully crafted MASTER CLASSES designed with a scientific mindset to explore the body's full range of motion from an anatomical perspective. With a total of THREE DAYS and SIX CLASSES, we will focus on HANDSTANDS, as well as on the traditional yoga themes of STRENGTH, FLEXIBILITY, COORDINATION and BALANCE.

The Asana Immersion is for any student who wants to ADVANCE their practice, learn about the proper way to CORRECTLY CONDITION THE BODY for challenging yoga poses and above all to RE-IGNITE YOUR INNER FIRE so you practice yoga again with a sense of PURPOSE, of WONDER and full of INSPIRATION.

Price: $575

For more info...



Sep 6th, Fri to Sep 8th, Sun


Balilo Athens
Zoodochou Pigis 93, Exarchia, Athens, Greece

Full Weekend

Regular Price


Early Bird


Early Bird prices until July 6th

Adjustments Clinic: Hips, Splits and Related Arm Balances

Friday, Sep 6th, 16:00-18:30

After a progressive warm up and some theory on the lower body, we’ll not only explore adjustments on a number of hip-related asanas, but we’ll also study a number of modifications to both progress and regress them, depending on where the student is at. We’ll also cover the do’s and dont’s, main issues people have, and how to turn a hip opening practice from a dreading to a dreaming experience! This workshop could be taken alone but, ideally, in conjunction with Sunday’s second session.

Yoga class: External & Internal Hip Rotations, Practical Applications & Inversions

Friday, Sep 6th, 19:30-21:30

This class will work both the external and internal rotation of the hips (ER/IR) while taking care of the lower joints (knees, ankles) and sacrum. We’ll also focus on strengthening legs, squats, arm balances and related inversions. It is for all levels, especially those that struggle with unlocking their hips!

Yoga class: Twists, Lateral Flexions & Inversions

Saturday, Sep 7th, 11:00-13:00

When we improve our flexibility and strength in the spine for twists and side bends, the rest of our practice also takes a leap. Anatomically, we’ll focus on the spine, neck, shoulder internal rotation and adductors. We’ll find new stability points and strengthen with the help of arm balances, inversions and multiple floor drills. This class is one of the most unique of the whole weekend.

Handstand intensive: Entries, Jumps, Drills, Abs, Alignment, Leg Shapes

Saturday, Sep 7th, 14:00-16:30

This is one of the most popular workshops that includes a detailed warm up for shoulders, elbows, wrists, as well as abdominal work, gluts & legs activation, alignment drills (both on the floor & at the wall), resistance training, different kinds of jumps, analysis, bad habits and Q&As. Not to be missed! Though for all levels, this workshop is ideal for those that can already jump into Handstand at the wall.

Yoga class: Changing Our Perception of Backbends

Sunday, Sep 8th, 11:00-13:00

This class will cover a correct spinal segmentation, how to arch the thoracic portion and understand the important rol of the abs, TVA and pelvic floor. We’ll also cover how to protect the shoulders while increasing range, as well as how to strengthen and release hip flexors. We’ll tie all of that together with some peak poses like Scorpions and variations of Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. If backbends are not your jam, this class is for you!

Adjustments for Backbends & related inversions

Sunday, Sep 8th, 14:00-16:30

After a progressive warm up and some theory on the upper body, we’ll explore the intricacies of backbend assists, the delicate dance between the spine, shoulders and flexors, as well as how to both strengthen and stretch them safely. We’ll also cover active & passive ranges, adjustments for both and how to make backbend classes less intimidating and more liberating. This workshop could be taken alone but, ideally, in conjunction with Friday’s first session.







September 12th-15th

Marrakech schedule.jpg

SPOIL yourself with a unique

yoga experience this 2024.

Join us in MARRAKECH

this September for an exclusive 


4 days, 5 nights at a unique

resort for the practice of a





Cyoga classes always have a defined theme. We will do Backbends, Hips, Twists and Sidebends and Inversions. By working on one direction of movement we can go further, faster and safely.


A good adjustment is a conversation without words. Your hands offer assistance and by reading the reaction of the body of the student one knows where and how to offer the best help.


In the first part of this class, we will experience meditation ourselves, calming the mind and accessing our inner reality. The second part will cover a classification of meditation techniques and processes.


As a teacher, your are a brand, your class is the service, your energies are your product and your tribe is your target market. Let's learn how to define your offering and present it to the world.


The sequence is the script that will take your students from a common performance to a unique outcome. Its a matter of carefully selecting and placing the poses to achieve the best results. 


Handstands entered the world of yoga a few years back and have revolutionized our practices, our goals and even the schedules in some studios. Let's devote some time to this fascinating move.



Spacious suites of 45 m² revolving around the veranda and its indoor swimming pool, set amid banana trees, all reminiscent of the architecture of the traditional Riads of the Medina

- 5 nights stay from Sep 11th to Sep 16th

- Cyoga Training for 1 person

- Breakfast for 1 person from Sep 12th to Sep 16th

- Lunch for 1 person from Sep 12th to Sep 15th

Does not include: Airfare to Marrakech; transportation from/to the airport; dinners, spa, or other charges incurred while staying at resort



€2130/ US$2300

Early Bird price available until July 14th


Decorated with elegance and simplicity and behind the Bamboo Grove, their 80 m² are inspired by the surrounding nature in comfort and luxury.
Palm trees, roses or bamboo, are the themes chosen as a tribute to the gardens of Marrakech.

- 5 nights stay from Sep 11th to Sep 16th

- Cyoga Training for 1 person

- Breakfast for 1 person from Sep 12th to Sep 16th

- Lunch for 1 person from Sep 12th to Sep 15th

Does not include: Airfare to Marrakech; transportation from/to the airport; dinners, spa, or other charges incurred while staying at resort



€2345/ US$2530

Early Bird price available until July 14th



Spacious suites of 45 m² revolving around the veranda and its indoor swimming pool, set amid banana trees, all reminiscent of the architecture of the traditional Riads of the Medina

- 5 nights stay from Sep 11th to Sep 16th

- Cyoga Training for 2 people

- Breakfast for 2 people from Sep 12th to Sep 16th

- Lunch for 2 people from Sep 12th to Sep 15th

Does not include: Airfare to Marrakech; transportation from/to the airport; dinners, spa, or other charges incurred while staying at resort



€2900/ US$3130

€1305/US$1415 per person

Early Bird price available until July 14th


Decorated with elegance and simplicity and behind the Bamboo Grove, their 80 m² are inspired by the surrounding nature in comfort and luxury.
Palm trees, roses or bamboo, are the themes chosen as a tribute to the gardens of Marrakech.

- 5 nights stay from Sep 11th to Sep 16th

- Cyoga Training for 2 people

- Breakfast for 2 people from Sep 12th to Sep 16th

- Lunch for 2 people from Sep 12th to Sep 15th

Does not include: Airfare to Marrakech; transportation from/to the airport; dinners, spa, or other charges incurred while staying at resort



€3105/ US$3350

€1408/US$1525 per person

Early Bird price available until July 14th




On an area of 150 m², the villas all have their own private garden and swimming pool.The ground floor comprises a large bedroom with fireplace opening onto a private terrace. Upstairs, a beautiful bedroom, spacious and bright, with bathroom and balcony.

- 5 nights stay from Sep 11th to Sep 16th

- Cyoga Training for 3 people

- Breakfast for 3 people from Sep 12th to Sep 16th

- Lunch for 3 people from Sep 12th to Sep 15th

Does not include: Airfare to Marrakech; transportation from/to the airport; dinners, spa, or other charges incurred while staying at resort



€4737/ US$5074

€1469/US$1590 per person

Early Bird price available until July 14th


We are offering the option of registering for the training while staying in town instead of at the resort. If you are local, or prefer to stay elsewhere you can still take our training.

- Cyoga Training for 1 person

- Lunch for 1 person from Sep 12th to Sep 15th

  • Marrakech Training

    Single payment for Marrakech training. €760
  • Marrakech 3 month payment plan

    Every month
    Payment plan for 2024 Marrakech Training. Available until July 1st
    Valid for 3 months


Sep 19th, Thu to Sep 21st, Sat


Yalla Yoga

Building 271, Asas Twin Towers

Diplomatic St, Doha, Qatar

  • Instagram





Full Weekend


1650 QAR

Early Bird prices until August 1st

Masterclass: Twists, side bends & inversions

Thursday, Sep 19th, 6:30pm-9pm

We’ll kick off the weekend with one of the most unique workshops. Improving spine’s flexibility and strength for twists & side bends, will make the rest of our practice take a leap as well. Some of this class’ targets will be: longer lats, stronger QL and gluteals, proper TFL firing and some upside down time to put it all together. We’ll find new stability points to rotate around, discover multiple floor drills and find strength in funky arm balances & inversions.

Masterclass: Backbends, Finding more thoracic movement, shoulder flexion & lumbar support

Friday, Sep 20th, 9:00am-11:30am

This workshop will heavily focus on proper spinal segmentation, understanding the role of the scapulas as well as low abs, TVA, hip flexors & psoas in particular. Expect for some isolated moves before putting things together. If your mid back feels ‘rigid’, your low back or shoulders ‘hurt’, or you ‘can’t find’ your abs when you do backbends, this class is for you!


Friday, Sep 20th, 11:30am -1:00pm

This workshop will cover how to sequence to prepare the body for new & creative asanas in a safe way. It’ll cover the principles and best practices, as well as some of the common errors and misconceptions when it comes to create a flow.  It’ll also teach how to smoothly introduce mobility drills to create unique and memorable sequences. Ideal for teachers and those looking to deepen their knowledge about the human body and how it should move. 


Friday, Sep 20th, 1:30pm-4:30pm

In this 3hr workshop we’ll cover: the fundamentals of adjustments that’ll solve most students’ problems, how to find subtlety and have a ‘conversation’ with someone’s body, know how far to take things, what to prioritize and how to position yourself for flexibility adjustments versus balancing ones. Lots of valuable information for teachers and those wanting to understand what to look for in a wide number of asanas. Ideal to take it in combo with the Asana clinic session.


Masterclass: Hip openers, Unlocked & Happy Hips

Saturday, Sep 21st, 9:00am-11:30am

During this workshop we’ll work the necessary elements to mobilize the hips in an organic, active and safe way, protecting knees and ankles while involving some of the strongest muscles of the body (gluts, quads, hamstrings…). We’ll improve both external and internal rotations while exploring postures like Yogidandasana, squats, arm balances and inversions. If you thought hip openers aren’t for you, or you find them tedious, this is your chance to find out otherwise!

Asana Clinic

Saturday, Sep 21st, 11:30am -1:00pm

A one-of-a-kind workshop were we’ll discuss how the physical, energetic and emotional bodies interconnect in a number of asanas and how to help students realize their full potential. We’ll take a look (and practice) several postures: how to adapt them for individual needs, why they look different on different bodies, alignment pillars, do’s and dont’s, and much more. Perfect for those looking to develop a sharp eye as a teacher or avid practitioner. Ideal to take it in combination with the Adjustments session from the day before.

Yoga as a career

Saturday, Sep 21st, 1:30pm-4:30pm

To wrap up the weekend, Carmen will talk about her 25-year yoga career, the different options and stages to take, how to use modern tools, like social media, to carve your own path, have a business plan and how to balance all that with a consistent yoga practice. During the last part of the session she’ll cover some pranayamas, from the more classic ones, to hyper & hypo ventilation (Wim Hof, Buteyko) as well as the role of the nervous system and vagus nerve.



Oct 10th, Thu to Oct 13th, Sun


Yoga Yuj (요가유즈)

1193, Jungang-ro, Ilsandong-gu

Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do

South Korea

경기 고양시 일산동구 중앙로 1193 마두법조빌딩 10층

Register at Yoga Yuj

Yoga: Inversions and Side Flexions

Thursday, Oct 10th

This workshop will focus on lateral flexion (side bends), and how to improve your range to have better inversions and arm balances. Side bending is the least practiced spinal move. Flexion (forward bends) and extension (backbends) are far more common, yet improving side bends will support both, and take your practice to a new level. We’ll work on connecting with the ‘belt’ between ribcage and hips (lats, QL, obliques, transverse abs and rectus abdomini), gain freedom of movement and discover new stability points for Handstand and Pincha Mayurasana. Very interesting and unique poses will be covered!

Training: Creative cYoga sequencing, part I

Thursday, Oct 10th

In this workshop we’ll uncover some of the secrets of cYoga’s intelligent and creative sequencing, so not only will you feel ready to tackle tougher asanas, but also learn to incorporate specific mobility drills, apply static/dynamic stabilization connections and create new neuromuscular pathways. You’ll discover how to progressively gain control, freedom and stability of your movement, as well as minimizing soreness the next day. A must for teachers or those looking to deepen their knowledge about the human body and its functionalities.

Yoga: Active Hip Openers

Friday, Oct 11th

Often, hip openers are taught too statically, with no breath emphasis or flow, but there’s a lot of room for exploration, movement and active strengthening that can enhance the difficult process of “unlocking the hips”. This workshop will cover various elements to articulate and actively release the hips, while preserving the integrity of other lower joints, like knees or ankles. We will dive into postures like Eka Pada Sirsasana, Yogidandasana, squats, arm balances or linking those with inversions. Everyone hits a wall, so this workshop is relevant to all levels.

Training: Creative cYoga sequencing, part II

Friday, Oct 11th

In this workshop we’ll continue to uncover some of the the secrets of cYoga’s intelligent sequencing and how to spark your imagination to create new asanas as well as new neuro pathways. Ideally it should be taken with part 1, as we will build on the concepts covered the previous day.

Effortless Handstands: Alignment, Drills & Floats

Saturday, Oct 12th

This very thorough and comprehensive workshop is filled with information and drills on how to open your shoulders to have a real straight line, how to lock ribcage and pelvis, engage legs and be able to balance. We’ll also cover compression and dissociation exercises to be able to press into Handstand, work on the “negatives” (coming down slowly from Handstand), and we’ll play with different leg shapes to improve strength and balancing skills. Come ready to spend time upside down, do floor conditioning and lots of abs!

Training: cYoga Adjustments and Asana Clinic, part I

Saturday, Oct 12th

During these clinics we will learn how to approach hands-on adjustments safely and efficiently, as well as carefully dissecting dozens of asanas to understand its mechanics and how they reflect on a variety of bodies. This workshop is extremely practical, having the students work with one another, while we discuss best practices, special cases, and learn to individualize the poses for each body. While this workshop is geared toward teachers, you do not have to be one to attend. Teacher or not, it will amplify your skill set. (Different information will be covered in Session 1 and Session 2. You can take one, but it’s encouraged to do both, as concepts will build up).

Yoga: Hip Flexors, Psoas and Abs’ Role for Backbends

Sunday, Oct 13th

Carmen is known for helping her students find space in their backbends, go deeper than ever, without any discomfort. In this workshop we will: (1) work on shoulder mobility, respecting the integrity of that joint; (2) bend thoracic spine in conjunction with cervical extension and lumbar strengthening, (3) activate and lengthen hip flexors, analyzing the role of the abdominal wall, obliques, gluts and the relationship between pelvis and spine. This workshop is for everyone but highly recommended if you usually run into low back compression or lack of strength. You’ll gain important insights into which part of your anatomy may need to readjust to move forward in your backbend journey.

Training: cYoga Adjustments and Asana Clinic, part II

Sunday, Oct 13th

During these clinics we will continue to approach hands-on adjustments safely and efficiently, carefully dissecting dozens of asanas to understand its mechanics and how they reflect on a variety of bodies. We’ll continue to discuss best practices, special cases, and learn to individualize the poses for each person. Geared toward teachers, but not a must. (Different information will be covered in Session 1 and Session 2. You can take one, but it’s encouraged to do both, as concepts will build up).

Temple by Cliff


Oct 18th, Fri to Oct 20th, Sun


Dave Yoga Studio (데이브요가스튜디오)

724-1, Suyeong-ro, Suyeong-gu

Busan, South Korea

부산 수영구 수영로 724-1 5층

Dave Yoga Studio at Naver

Training: Creative Sequencing

Friday, Oct 18th

In this workshop we’ll talk about some of the secrets of cYoga’s intelligent sequencing, so not only will you feel ready to tackle tougher asanas but also learn to incorporate mobility drills and find new neuromuscular pathways in a creative and safe way. A must for teachers or those looking to deepen their knowledge about the human body and its functionalities. 

Yoga: Finding Strength and Space in Sidebends & Twists

Friday, Oct 18th

In this workshop we’ll work on the 2 less known spinal moves: lateral flexion and rotation. Developing a strong lateral flexion will allow us to have more steady inversions, solid arm balances and stronger core & lumbar area. More degrees to rotate in the spine will translate into easier back and forward folds, better breathing patterns and a calmer nervous system. One of the most unique workshops offered, where we will explore moves & ranges we don't usually practice, as well as asanas that may be more unknown. Anatomically, we’ll pay extra attention to the spine, lats, QL, obliques, transverse abs, adductors and hip flexors. Not to miss!

Handstand Playground: Jumps & Lines

Saturday, Oct 19th

Spectacular workshop filled with information on how to achieve that most desired 'straight line’ and how to consistently nail your jumps. Concepts like optimum shoulder/ribcage/pelvis position, what to pay attention to, how to dissociate legs from shoulders without falling, and much more, will be covered in depth. Although it is for all levels, this workshop is perfect for those that can already kick into Handstand at the wall, as well as those working on different leg shapes, or those on their quest to open their shoulders further. Come ready to get upside down, do floor conditioning, drills and lots of abs!

Yoga: Bendy backbends for all

Saturday, Oct 19th

This workshop will cover in depth some of the elements that people feel stuck with: (1) lack of movement along thoracic spine, (2) lack of strength in the lumbar and cervical area, (3) lack of stability or pain in the shoulders. Understanding how each part moves and integrates with the rest, is crucial to deepen, and enjoy, backbending properly. Although we’ll cover some theory, this workshop is mostly practical, where we’ll use props like the wall, blocks and bands, to understand and refine movements. You’ll walk out with a lot of tools to apply right away into your backbend practice.

Yoga: Active Hip Openers

Sunday, Oct 20th

In this workshop we will work on the necessary elements to articulate the hips in an active and safe way, protecting knees and ankles, while taking advantage of some of the largest muscles in the body (gluts, quads, hamstrings, obliques…) We will improve both external and internal hip rotation, exploring poses like Yogidandasana, Eka Pada Sirsasana, Padmasana and squats. We’ll also combine arm balances and inversions with those asanas. 2 amazing hours to unlock the lower body to make you feel strong and connected with it!

More handstands: Lifts, Presses and Abs

Sunday, Oct 20th

A continuation to the first Handstand workshop, we’ll carry on where we left things at. In this one we’ll focus on lighter lifts, hollow low back, scapular protraction and leg activation to, eventually, press in and out of Handstand. As with the first one, expect lots of time upside down, floor conditioning, drills to improve proprioception and some more abs!! You'll also leave with a clear path on how to keep growing your inversion practice. (Note: this workshop is not required to be taken with the other Handstand one, but it’s highly recommended as concepts will build up).



Oct 25th, Fri to Oct 27th, Sun


The Yoga Playroom

Chua Eye Center

Joy Luck Bldg 1, 2nd Floor

McArthur Hwy, Balibago

Angeles City, Philippines



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Early Bird Registration
Full Weekend

Yoga: Twists, Sidebends & Inversions

Friday, Oct 25th

We’ll kick off the weekend with one of the most unique workshops. Improving spine’s flexibility and strength for twists & side bends, will make the rest of our practice take a leap as well. Some of this class’ targets will be: longer lats, stronger QL and gluteals, proper obliques firing and some upside down time to put it all together. We’ll find new stability points to rotate around, discover multiple floor drills and find strength in funky arm balances & inversions.

Training: Creative Sequencing

Friday, Oct 25th

This workshop will cover how to sequence to prepare the body for new & creative asanas in a safe way. It’ll cover the principles and best practices, as well as some of the common errors and misconceptions when it comes to create a flow.  It’ll also teach how to smoothly introduce mobility drills to create unique and memorable sequences. Ideal for teachers and those looking to deepen their knowledge about the human body and how it should move.

Yoga: Backbends, Finding More Thoracic Movement, Shoulder Flexion & Lumbar Support

Saturday, Oct 26th

This workshop will heavily focus on proper spinal segmentation, understanding the role of the scapulas as well as low abs, TVA, hip flexors & psoas in particular. Expect for some isolated moves before putting things together. If your mid back feels ‘rigid’, your low back or shoulders ‘hurt’, or you ‘can’t find’ your abs when you do backbends, this class is for you!

Handstand Playground: Jumps, Lines, Legs Moves & Abs

Saturday, Oct 26th

Spectacular workshop filled with information on how to achieve that most desired 'straight line’, how to consistently nail your jumps and have a proper shoulder isolation to move the legs at will. Concepts like optimum shoulder/ribcage/pelvis position, what to pay attention to, shoulder dissociation and much more, will be covered. Expect lots of time upside down, floor conditioning, drills to improve proprioception and some abs!! You'll leave with a clear path on how to keep growing your inversion practice. Although for all levels, this workshop is ideal for those that can already kick into Handstand at the wall, as well as those working on different leg shapes, or those on a quest to open their shoulders further.


Training: Asana Clinic and Seamless Adjustments For Backbends & Inversions

Saturday, Oct 26th

In this workshop we’ll cover the fundamentals of adjustments that’ll solve most students’ problems, we’ll discuss how the physical, energetic and emotional bodies interconnect in a number of asanas and how to help students realize their full potential. We’ll take a look (and practice) several postures: how to adapt them for individual needs, why they look different on different bodies, alignment pillars, do’s and dont’s, and much more. Perfect for those looking to develop a sharp eye as a teacher or avid practitioner. Ideal to take it in combo with the next day hip openers & arm balances session.

Yoga: Hip Openers: Unlocked & Happy Hips

Sunday, Oct 27th

During this workshop we’ll work the necessary elements to mobilize the hips in an organic, active and safe way, protecting knees and ankles while involving some of the strongest muscles of the body (gluts, quads, hamstrings…). We’ll improve both external and internal rotations while exploring postures like Yogidandasana, squats, arm balances and inversions. If you thought hip openers aren’t for you, or you find them tedious, this is the chance where you find out otherwise!

Training: Asana Clinic and Seamless Adjustments for Hip Openers & Arm Balances

Sunday, Oct 27th

In this workshop we’ll continue covering the fundamentals of adjustments, we’ll discuss how the physical, energetic and emotional bodies interconnect in a number of arm balances and hip ER/IR rotations. We’ll take a look (and practice) several postures: how to adapt them for individual needs, why they look different on different bodies, alignment pillars, do’s and dont’s, and much more. Perfect for those looking to develop a sharp eye as a teacher or avid practitioner. Ideal to take it in combo with the previous day backbends & inversions as concepts will build up.

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